The goal remains the same: hurl projectiles at an enemy fortress until everyone inside meets a bloody end. However, this time the complexity of the destruction has intensified. This game is more of a strategic puzzle than its precursor. Instead of simple stones or bombs the player has to switch between remote explosives, wooden logs, fire bombs, jars full of electric eels and acid bombs among others. That is if you’ve gotten far enough to unlock all these weapons, you’ll begin with the humble hunk of wood alone. The sequel has added different scenery, even better graphics and a more complex route of destruction from castle to castle. The best new feature is a toss-up between the fire bombs and the electric eels. Hit a wooden structure just right with the fire bombs and everyone inside will feel the heat. Burning a castle full of people alive…what twisted fun it can be (don’t say you haven’t thought about it). If there are iron floors you’ll want to switch to the eels and don’t feel guilty about laughing when the enemy king begins twitching and turns into a pill of cinders.

If you have played the first you might notice the gravity simulation of the sequel: Crush the Castle 2 is a little different. It may take some getting used to but this isn’t a drawback it still serves to rain down destruction. This time there is also the option to test your skills against user build castles, or like the first game you can construct your own.
Rating: A+
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